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The E2 material benefits from equally sound theoretical and practical bases and a level of precision, detailed understanding and comprehensiveness that lends itself particularly well to the use of sensor technology, mathematical modelling and simulations. There is therefore ample scope for innovation and enhancements to products and services through research and development.


The use of technology is an essential component of the approach because it will ultimately enable the learning material to stand alone, encourage self-reliance and reduce dependency on face-to-face instruction. The speed of learning and effectiveness of the methods overall would be greatly enhanced with the following: 

1. Specially designed wall-mounted belt for walking resistance testing;

2. Bespoke treadmill adaptations for belt-based resistance testing;

3. Computer generated simulations and representations of walking, running, breathing techniques and related exercises showing relative positions of the joints, centre of mass and force transmission to aid learning and research.;

4. Wearable electronic devices that measure forces and pressure generated, relative position of joints and centre of mass;

5. The use of 'Apps' to create a front end portal to tie the above into a user-friendly interface.

Naturally, a prerequisite for much of the above would be sufficient scientific analysis and modelling of the correct technique in order to benchmark optimal function and performance and express this mathematically and algorithmically.

Some ideas for the use of sensor technology and predicted outcomes are included in the document below. This work is at a very early stage and requires extensive technical input and development time.

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